Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
A Gift From Ginny
Two Christmases ago my sweet sister-in- law Ginny gave me this cute little metal "Charlie Brown" tree. I've only put the two birds on it before, with a nest. This year I hung all these tiny old ornaments on it too. I like it so much better this way.
Right there beside it is a snowman that Jane from Mamie Jane's sent me when I won her giveaway last year. It's made of a silverplate shaker...with the top for his hat and a piece of measuring tape for a scarf! It makes me think of her when I see it and reminds me to pray for her and her husband.
I'm thankful for my generous and loving friends and family.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Funky Tree Collection
Here are the largest trees in my vintage tree collection. I've had these for a lot of years. I haven't found one to add to the collection in quite a while.
I can't find my vintage Christmas postcards, so that wreath looks really bare!
Here are 3 more, along with my favorite little vintage snowman family.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
These little vintage snowmen are on the top of my refrigerator. I've scattered several of their brothers around the rest of the house.
All of my snowmen have happy, friendly faces. Except this somewhat strange one with the green scarf and broom. He's smiling, but he doesn't look too friendly. I think he is Frosty's evil twin! (Click the photo once for a closer look)
Have a happy, friendly day!!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
I don't collect angels, it takes 3 to make a collection you know! I blogged about this one when I found her at an estate sale. Her face was too sweet to pass up. She seems to be made of plaster and she has tarnished glitter around the bottom.
I've had this one for close to 20 years I think. I bought her with some assorted nativity figures. I had her in my antique booth for sale. She didn't sell right away and I decided she was a keeper. Again it was her face that made me love her. She's also made of plaster I believe, and she's stamped "Italy" on her back.
I love unpacking familiar treasures each year, don't you?
Friday, December 9, 2011
I was so happy the day I found this at a garage sale. It is a 4" German kugel...very heavy glass. What I've been able to find when researching them is that this one was probably made 1880-1910. Silver is the most common color.
It was wrapped in this old glittered cotton batting. It looks like it has been protected by this discolored wrapping for a long time. I think I paid $1 for it. I don't think it's very valuable as far as kugels go, but it is very special to me...kind of like uncovering buried treasure.
Have a special day!
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Vintage Christmas
I've decided why it takes me so long to decorate for Christmas. I spend too much time playing with each thing I pull out of the boxes and drawers. I REALLY love this stuff!
Three of these are old corsages with built-in pins on the back. The other three were just picks to put on packages I guess. That's what we used some similar to them for when I was a kid. I especially like the one that is all tanished silver.
I don't have anyone here to ooh and ahh with me now. I moved off and left my "antique" friends. But I do have you, my "bloggy" friends who understand how special these things I'm going to share them with you for the rest of this month. I hope you will enjoy them too.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Just Playing
I told myself that I would have my Christmas decorations up by now...but look at me, I'm still just playing. My granddaughter came and spent 2 and 1/2 days with me last week. We played and created like crazy...glitter everywhere!! It was so much fun...I live for those times! We made some things for her to take home and then I kept playing when she left.
I haven't arranged this mantel. I just set some of the things up there to look at them. That little reindeer and his wreath were 25 cent finds. He was old and dirty brown. The wreath had faded from green to perfect! With a little glitter they are transformed. You'll also recognize the faux candlesticks as those old plastic ones that cost a quarter at many garage sales. I bought the new flicker flame bulbs for $1.79. I think I should have titled this post "Cheap Thrills".
I also made this banner I saw at (for some reason I can't link to her post). I took the easy way out and didn't do grommets. I added another layer of paper to the back so it was strong enough without it. The grommets give a much nicer finished look. When I got all finished and hung it, I realized that it should have been smaller for this spot. Oh well, it was fun and I will probably find another place to hang it.
It is December now. Time to stop playing and get to work!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Fun at the Trift Store
I haven't been finding much at the thrift stores for a while, but I had a little fun yesterday!
I think I can hear my brother sighing in the background. He thinks I need to add some other color to my house. He said, and I quote, "I think you've just about got blue and green covered here.". Sorry Doug, my heart just starts racing when I see these shades. They make me happy.
Have a fun week everyone!
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